Sunday 22 August 2010

Day 46 - Sunday 22nd August 2010

Well, well, well, what do you know? Our dog knows I'm sick! He really does. Now I do seem to remember reading somewhere that animals have a keen sense of illness. Well, now I know it's true, they do. As you probably know Springer Spaniels are a very boisterous and bubbly breed, always on the go and our Roma is no exception. Whenever I would go out into the garden he would always bound up ever ready for some fuss and attention. However, he is different with me now. He is very gentle and just comes and sits quietly by me and actually avoids eye contact with me.

Animals, don't you just love 'em? Well, maybe not everyone I guess but that brings me to the wildlife in the world that is ever under threat from Man's intervention. I love big cats, always have and in particular tigers - white tigers - and snow leopards. Isn't it such a shame that there appears to be only a minority of caring people in the world that are trying to save such impressive animals - and there are so many different species, large and small, that are disappearing every single day. I can't even begin to imagine what the world will be like for generations to come - where will it end? - no natural habitats or wildlife to speak of? Sad what Man can do isn't it?

Photo: Sunday 8th August 2010

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