Friday 10 September 2010

Day 65 - Friday 10th September 2010

What a day this has been. I have been all over the place today and I don't mean sightseeing! My left side has been completely useless and I have felt very unbalanced, so much so that I have dropped a couple of things - luckily they didn't break! Coupled with that I have felt extremely tired and trying to get the work done from the two meetings from the last two evenings has been very difficult indeed. Am beginning to wonder how much longer I can hang in with work.

So, the steroids have been reduced because I am taking the anti-convulsion tablets and while I haven't noticed any side effects until today - perhaps the lack of movement in my arm is something I should be monitoring.

Toby has completed his first week at MGS and it all seemed to go well. Am so pleased for him - he has settled in and made friends.

Photo: Snow Leopards

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vikki, It is so good to hear that Toby is doing well at MGS, but how is Corey doing without his big brother, i am sure he is fine bless him. Danielle is loving Cornwallis and she is made lots of new friends, hope to catch up soon. Take care ps love the pictures of the leopards X
